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Arduino Nano FT232 Mini-B USB V3.0 – Perfect for IoT applications

Unlock endless possibilities in electronics with Arduino Nano. Compact, powerful, and versatile, perfect for hobbyists, students, and professionals alike. Start creating today!

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SKU: RG3016

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Original price was: ₹325.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.

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Welcome to the world of Arduino Nano, where innovation knows no bounds! The Arduino Nano is a compact yet powerful development board that empowers enthusiasts, hobbyists, students, and professionals to bring their creative ideas to life. With its small form factor and robust capabilities, the Arduino Nano is the perfect tool for prototyping, tinkering, and creating a wide range of electronic projects. Let’s delve deeper into the key features, applications, and benefits of this remarkable device.

The Arduino Nano FT232 is a small, complete, and breadboard-friendly board based on the ATmega328. It has more or less the same functionality of the Arduino Duemilanove, but in a different package. It lacks only a DC power jack, and works with a Mini-B USB cable instead of a standard one.

The Nano 3.0 has a number of facilities for communicating with a computer, another Arduino, or other microcontrollers. The ATmega328 provides UART TTL (5V) serial communication, which is available on digital pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). An FTDI FT232RL on the board channels this serial communication over USB and the FTDI drivers (included with the Arduino software) provide a virtual com port to software on the computer. The Arduino software includes a serial monitor which allows simple textual data to be sent to and from the Arduino board. The RX and TX LEDs on the board will flash when data is being transmitted via the FTDI chip and USB connection to the computer (but not for serial communication on pins 0 and 1).

Key Features of Arduino Nano:

  • Microcontroller: ATmega328
  • Operating Voltage (logic level): 5V
  • Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12V
  • Input Voltage (limits): 6-20V
  • Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
  • Analog Input Pins: 8
  • DC Current per I/O Pin: 40mA
  • Flash Memory: 32KB (ATmega328) of which 2 KB used by bootloader
  • SRAM: 2KB (ATmega328)
  • EEPROM: 1KB (ATmega328)
  • Clock Speed: 16 MHz

Special Features of Arduino Nano:

  • Compact Design: The Arduino Nano boasts a tiny footprint, making it ideal for projects where space is limited. Despite its small size, it packs a punch in terms of performance and functionality.
  • Atmel Microcontroller: Powered by Atmel’s ATmega328P microcontroller, the Arduino Nano offers excellent computing power and versatility. Whether you’re working on simple LED projects or complex robotics, this microcontroller can handle it all with ease.
  • Integrated USB Interface: With a built-in USB interface, it simplifies the process of programming and interfacing with your computer. Just plug it in, upload your code, and watch your projects come to life.
  • Breadboard Compatibility: It is compatible with standard breadboards, allowing for easy prototyping and experimentation. This feature enables rapid development and iteration, making it perfect for both beginners and experienced users alike.
  • Wide Range of I/O Pins: Despite its compact size, the Arduino Nano offers a generous number of I/O pins, including digital and analog pins, PWM outputs, and more. This versatility allows you to connect various sensors, actuators, displays, and other peripherals to create diverse projects.
  • Low Power Consumption: Designed with energy efficiency in mind, it consumes minimal power, making it suitable for battery-powered applications. Whether you’re building wearable gadgets or IoT devices, you can rely on the Arduino Nano to optimize power usage.
  • Extensive Library Support: The Arduino ecosystem boasts a vast collection of libraries and resources, providing access to pre-written code for a wide range of functions and components. This extensive support network accelerates development and enables users to leverage existing code for their projects.

Applications of Arduino Nano:

  • Home Automation: Transform your living space into a smart home with Arduino Nano-powered automation projects. Control lights, appliances, and security systems with ease, and customize your setup to suit your preferences.
  • Robotics: Build robots and robotic systems using Arduino Nano as the brain. From simple wheeled robots to sophisticated humanoid designs, the possibilities are endless. Explore sensors, motors, and actuators to create robots that can navigate, interact, and perform tasks autonomously.
  • IoT Devices: Enter the exciting world of the Internet of Things (IoT) by creating connected devices with Arduino Nano. Monitor environmental conditions, track data, and control devices remotely using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or other communication protocols.
  • Wearable Technology: Design wearable gadgets and accessories with this product to enhance personal fitness, health monitoring, and communication. Create smart watches, fitness trackers, and gesture-controlled devices that integrate seamlessly into everyday life.
  • Educational Projects: Inspire future generations of engineers and innovators with educational projects powered by Arduino Nano. Teach programming, electronics, and robotics concepts in a fun and interactive way, fostering creativity and critical thinking skills.
  • Art Installations: Express your creativity through interactive art installations and exhibits using Arduino Nano. Incorporate sensors, lights, sound, and motion to engage audiences and create immersive experiences that blur the line between technology and art.
  • Prototyping and Proof-of-Concept: Quickly prototype ideas and concepts with the product to validate functionality and feasibility. Whether you’re designing a new product or experimenting with a novel technology, it accelerates the prototyping process and facilitates iterative development.

Package Includes :

1 x Arduino Nano v3.0 FT232 Mini-B USB ( soldered )


1. who will use this Arduino Nano?

Enthusiasts, hobbyists, students, educators, professionals, and anyone interested in electronics and programming can use Arduino Nano for prototyping and creating diverse electronic projects.

2. what is the use of this Arduino Nano?

The product is used for prototyping, experimenting, and creating electronic projects such as robotics, IoT devices, home automation, wearables, educational projects, and more.

3. Where can we buy this Arduino Nano?

This product is available online at also available at our store in Pudupakkam/Kelambakkam, Chennai-603103

4. When can I get this Arduino Nano after placing the order?

RGRJ AIIoT TECHNOLOGIES will immediately ship and deliver the product within 2-3 working days.

5. How this Arduino Nano is better than other similar products? 

The product offers a winning combination of compact design, powerful features, extensive library support, and affordability, making it the premier choice for electronics enthusiasts.



Weight 0.010 kg
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 3 cm

Customer Reviews

1 review

1 review for Arduino Nano FT232 Mini-B USB V3.0 – Perfect for IoT applications

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  1. aisveryachandran28 (verified owner)

    Value for money
    Delivery speed

    The Arduino Nano FT232 is a miniaturized board, perfect for prototyping and embedding IoT projects! Despite its small size, it packs a punch with robust features.


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